The recent CrowdStrike incident highlights the interconnectedness of our IT systems, our dependence on them, and the far-reaching impact of IT disasters. This incident, caused by a faulty software update rather than a cyber-attack, raised a new set of questions for the industry*. But when it comes to lessons learned, one key theme that emerged from many conversations is the crucial importance of recovery.

As it is impossible to predict and prevent every cybersecurity disaster, it is essential for every organization to have a well-documented and tested Recovery Plan. This plan ensures that when incidents occur, systems can be restored swiftly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and operational impact.  

Recovery Starts with Understanding

Effective recovery begins with a deep understanding of the business. While many plans focus on backup and recovery techniques, they often overlook business objectives and outcomes. Many organizations realized during this outage that there was no business impact assessment ever done in their organization, or if it was done, it hadn't been updated for a while. This is the first step in your business recovery planning process. 

An effective recovery strategy must be built on a comprehensive risk assessment and aligned with the specific needs and goals of the business. It's crucial to identify and assess the impact of disruptions not just on the technical side, but also on the psychosocial, economic, and environmental aspects. This holistic understanding helps in formulating a more comprehensive recovery strategy. This means considering both cyberattacks and other disasters and developing tailored recovery strategies that address these diverse threats. 

Consider security as breathing

Consider Security as Breathing

Security has become an essential element in enabling business innovation and preserving value. It should not be an afterthought but rather an integral part of everything we do. We've seen organizations realize great advantages by engaging security early and ensuring that security needs and measures are “baked in” from the outset. The CrowdStrike incident illustrates the need for robust Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and change management processes to avoid cascading failures. Integrating security from the outset in software development and update processes can prevent such disruptions. 

Partnerships are Vital in Recovery + Security

The need for a partnership with a Technology Ally is paramount. Compugen, the nation's largest privately-owned and operated Technology Ally, can provide immediate physical assistance and bring trained professionals to help execute recovery plans. By collaborating with experienced technology partners, organizations can enhance their resilience, ensure rapid response in times of crisis, and benefit from expertise that may not be available in-house. Such partnerships are critical in both recovery and ongoing security efforts, ensuring that businesses can continue to operate smoothly and securely. 

Ensuring Future Resilience

The incident involving CrowdStrike’s update highlights the far-reaching implications of IT reliability on society and the economy. Key questions arise about reputational risk, system vulnerability, liability, accountability, and the value of technology diversity. Should organizations mandate multiple operating systems to avoid single points of failure? Should we revert to a more formal approval process for updates to avoid bypassing critical checks? These considerations are essential for thinking and planning about future resilient infrastructure.  

Take the Next Step 

Our resilience as a global economy depends on our ability to reflect on these incidents and take actionable steps to fortify our IT infrastructure. We must identify new risk categories and safeguard against them, ensuring that our recovery strategies are not just about IT but about sustaining business operations and protecting societal well-being. 

If you are interested in learning more about how to enhance your security and recovery strategies, book a Discovery Call with Compugen. As your Technology Ally, our Dream Team will assess your existing fleet of security and recovery software and review your preparedness plan to ensure you are well-equipped to handle any IT disaster. 

*You can read about the recommendations of a new set of questions concerning the industry in Compugen President + CEO Harry Zarek’s blog.

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